Trinity Episcopal Church
520 11th Street in Huntington
7:00 to 9:30 PM
Requested Donation - $7
HOTDAM on Facebook, click here
Instagram: @OldTime_Huntington
Saturday March 22nd will be another great square dance sponsored by Huntington Old Time Dance and Music. February was the largest attendance we have ever had! The dance will be at the Trinity Episcopal Church located at 520 11th Street in Huntington.
Saturday's dance will feature the Green Creek Geezers from Elkview, WV and caller Steve Ballman from Charleston. There may even be a little Contra dancing if you have never done that given that Steve is a multi-talented caller.
Bring a friend or come alone and join us to help support the old time music scene in Huntington. Don't need to know how to dance; we teach you each dance before it starts. Don't need a partner because other folks are looking for someone to dance with too. Bound to have a good time.
We request donations of $7 to help support this Non-Profit organization. Students K-12 and college students with ID will be admitted for free thanks to some of our sponsors. We appreciate our sponsors who have donated to help keep the dance music alive. See you there!
Sponsored by: Huntington Old Time Dance & Music (HOTDAM)