If you are using a GPS device to direct you to the camp, it is best to enter the GPS coordinates below. The coordinates lead you right to the entrance to the camp. Entering the Fayette County Park Road address gets you near the camp but not near enough.
Fayette County Park / 4H Camp
1407 Fayette County Park Rd
Fayetteville, WV 25840
(The facility has a Fayetteville address, but is located 5 miles west of the town of Fayetteville.)
GPS Coordinates
(according to Google Maps)
38.07826428514586, -81.1515426635742
Left: Map created with info for Whitewater Whirl use.
Right: Map created for use by general park visitors.
Click on the map images to enlarge
Camp Map
Dance Hall
Dance Hall
The Dance Hall ("Rec Hall") is a wood and stone 1930's structure with a great, very smooth 45' X 60' floor over joists; a big stage at one end, big stone fireplace at the other; lots of windows and 4 sets of very wide double doors to keep the hall comfortable. Probably the most well-ventilated hall you've ever danced in!
Convenient rest rooms right off the dance area. Cozily but not at all crowded, the hall will hold 170 dancers.
Dining Hall
Dining Hall
Just down the hill from the Dance Hall, the Dining Hall is another spacious wood/stone 1930's structure with a (functional!) large stone fireplace which we'll light in the evening if requested.
Even if you bring your own food, please come eat it here if you like.
The Dining Hall is also a nice place to jam and sing anytime: piano available, musicians very welcome!
View from Dance Hall
View from the road leading to the building
Cabins & Bath Houses
We offer free accommodation in picturesque 4H camp log cabins with bunk beds (and fairly new mattresses).
There are several AC outlets in each cabin.
Cabins are unheated.
No A/C but at this elevation it’s never been hot enough in early May to need it.
We do not assign cabin spaces. It’s first-come-first-served. Bath houses are nearby.Fayette County 4H Camp rules prohibit moving beds and removing mattresses from beds. We have never heard of dancers moving the furniture around but we’ve been asked to inform you. And if you find you need to move a bed or mattress, you MUST return it to its original location before leaving on Sunday.
Cabin 1: Coed / Family
Has Indoor plumbing: commode and sink.
Showers are in coed bath house nearby.
A bit of a walk to the Dance Hall and Dining Hall.
Cabin 2: Talent / Staff
This cabin is reserved for callers, band members, workshop leaders, and Whirl staff.
Cabin 5: Women / Men separate spaces
Upper level - Women’s cabin - has aseparate entry.
Lower level - Men’s cabin - has a separate entry.
Located near the Dance Hall.
Bath House is across the road
Cabin 6: Coed / Family
Single entry.
Stairs are inside the cabin for 2nd floor access.
Located near the Dance Hall.
Bath House across the road
Cabins 3 & 4: Closed
Both of these cabins are closed
"Nurses" Cabin
The “Nurses” cabin is reserved for Whirl staff.
This cabin is located behind the Dining Hall.
Bath House #1
Separate rooms for men and women.
Located across from Cabins 5 and 6.
Bath House #2
Coed bath house
Located between Cabins 1 and 2 near the large camping field.
Camping Areas
View of the main camping area
Where to camp
The main camping area is located across from Cabins 1 &2 and Bath House #2. This area is likely to be the quietest camping area. But it is a bit of a walk from the Dance Hall.
There are other, less spacious camping areas are:
Near the Dining Hall [Lots of flat space here]
Below the back of the Dance Hall
Between the Dance Hall and Bath House #1
Open fires are prohibited in the park and the 4H camp area. There is a fire pit used by 4H campers for gatherings and sing-a-longs but it’s a long hike over the hill to reach it, and it is not a good option for cooking. Bring a camp stove!
Showers, sinks, toilets
Campers have access to Bath House #1 and Bath House #2.
The main camping area shares Bath House #2 with Cabin 1.
The venue consists of two separate areas
Whitewater Whirl is renting only the 4-H Camp Area.
The 4-H Camp Area includes:
* The Recreation/Dance Hall
* Dining Hall
* Stage shelter
* Cabins
* Bath houses
* Camping areasLots of camping sites in open areas of this section area of the facility.
Whitewater Whirl is not permitted to use any of the County Park Area - all the area outside the 4-H Camp.
Park Area Includes:
* The picnic shelters
* The baseball field
* The basketball courts
* The swimming pool
Camping is NOT allowed in the County Park area.
Fayette County Park / 4-H Camp Rules
Park opens at 8:00am and closes at 9:00pm. (Park will be be open to Whitewater Whirl all hours during the weekend).
A 10-mph speed limit and one-way traffic designation will be enforced within the park.
Trash and garbage is to be disposed of and the area cleaned before leaving.
NO beer or intoxicating beverages are allowed on park grounds.
NO pets allowed! No cats or dogs.
NO soliciting.
Office Hours: 8am - 4pm, Mon-Fri 8am - 6pm, Sat/Sun
NO off-road vehicles allowed on park grounds.
General Information
The park is owned and operated by the Fayette County Commissioners.
Fayette County Park is five miles (more or less) west of Fayetteville, WV, near Beckwith, WV.
History of the Park
The Fayette County Park's origin lies in a land grant from 1925 for 30 acres of land from Loup Creek Collieries, Inc. This grant was originally given to the Fayette County 4-H Club for a camp. During that summer the mess hall, kitchen, and well were constructed. From the beginning development of the park rested upon the shoulders of many donors who eventually turned a dream into a reality.
By 1934 the camp property consisted of not only the mess hall, kitchen, and well but also a three room caretaker's house nine cabins, a partially completed playing field, a shallow well with hand pump and a Delco LIght Plant. By 1936 a 40 x 60 recreation hall, three swimming pools, and a bathhouse had been added.
In 1954 ownership of the park was passed into the hands of the Fayette County Commission from the original owners.